Gorgonea Tertia is a bright giant that has expanded to more than a hundred times the Sun'sdiameter, although its mass remains only about twice that of the Sun, making it therefore very considerably less dense. The star shows complex patterns of variability across overlapping periods of time, and ranges in magnitude from +3.3 at its brightest down to +4.0 at its faintest.
This image shows Gorgonea Tertia with the two other 'gorgon' stars of Perseus. To the northwest is Gorgonea Secunda (Pi Persei), and to the northeast is Gorgonea Quarta (Omega Persei). The Demon StarAlgol lies beyond the edge of this image to the north, and can be brought into view by scrolling or zooming out. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas
Gorgonea Tertia shines with a flickering red light: it
is a giant star that appears to be unstable, and varies considerably and unpredictably in