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Gorgonea Secunda

Pi Persei, 22 Persei

Proper NameGorgonea Secunda
Bayer DesignationPi Persei
Flamsteed Number22 Persei
HR (BSC)879
Right Ascension2h 58m 46s
Declination+39° 39' 46"
Distance312 light years
96 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +4.69
Absolute: -0.22
Spectral ClassA2Vn white main sequence star
Optimum VisibilityNovember

Gorgonea Secunda is the faintest of the stars that make up the shape of Medusa's head in Perseus. Eastward of this star are two red-orange stars Gorgonea Tertia (the brighter of the two) and Gorgonea Quarta (the fainter star farther eastward). Northward of all three is bright Gorgonea Prima (better known as Algol) which is in fact a foreground star much closer to the Sun than Gorgonea Secunda and its companions. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas

The 'Demon' Star of Algol has three attendants in the heavens: Gorgonea Secunda, Gorgonea Tertia and Gorgonea Quarta. Their names refer to the severed head of the gorgon Medusa, which Perseus holds in his hand. In fact the three gorgon stars are unrelated to Algol, and lie about three times further from the Earth than that bright variable star.


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