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Teegarden’s Star

SO 25300.5+165258

Proper NameTeegarden's Star
Bayer DesignationNone
Flamsteed NumberNone
HR (BSC)None
Other DesignationsSO 25300.5+165258
Right Ascension2h 53m 1s
Declination+16° 52' 53"
Distance12.5 light years
3.8 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +15.39
Absolute: +17.47
Spectral ClassM7.5V red dwarf
Planets in this system Teegarden's Star b, Earth-mass planet
Teegarden's Star c, Earth-mass planet
Teegarden's Star d, candidate exoplanet
Optimum VisibilityNovember

Though it lies relatively close to the Sun, Teegarden's Star is nonetheless extremely faint, and barely detectable in visible light. This infra-red image helps it stand out more clearly against the background stars of Aries. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas

A very faint star of the type known as a red dwarf. Only discovered as recently as 2003, this star was initially thought to be less than eight light years from the Solar System, making it the third nearest stellar system to the Sun. More recent measurements, however, suggest that it is somewhat further away than this initial estimate, and that Teegarden's Star actually lies some 12.5 light years from the Sun. This faint red dwarf star is one of several in relatively close proximity to the Solar System whose low luminosity makes them difficult to detect.


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