Forming the eastern 'foot' of Orion in the night sky, Saiph is an immense and hot blue star of the supergiant type. Like many of the stars of Orion, it is distant from the Solar System, lying more than 600 light years from Earth.
6 Cassiopeiae 41 Draconis 47 Cygni 75 Cygni a Velorum AU Microscopii AX Microscopii b Velorum Chaophraya DH Tauri e Aquilae Gakyid Gliese 440 Gliese 687 Gnomon Guahayona HD 37131 HR 6842 IL Aquarii k Hydrae KELT-20 Kepler-102 Kepler-444 KR Muscae La Superba Mazaalai Mekbuda ο1 Cygni Petra π Cephei Pincoya Polis s Velorum A Tengshe TWA 5 w Carinae Xi Boötis B y Carinae ZZ Ceti 15 Orionis 52 Orionis Acubens Adhafera Alchiba Alfirk Alkaphrah Alnilam Antares Arneb Atria Avior Azmidi Berehynia Betelgeuse BF Orionis Capella Cerberus χ Centauri χ Cygni d Lupi δ Muscae Deneb Diya EE Leonis ε Indi Garnet Star η Carinae f Velorum FL Virginis γ Pavonis Gliese 205 Gliese 887 Groombridge 1618 Hatysa HD 37130 Hind's Crimson Star HO Librae HR 1911 ι Leonis B ι1 Scorpii Kapteyn's Star Koeia Kruger 60 A DO Cephei Maru Mebsuta Mira Mirfak Mu Aquilae Naos Nashira ν2 Canis Majoris ν Cephei ν Persei ο Capricorni B Orkaria Polaris Proxima Centauri Ran ρ Cassiopeiae ρ Cygni Rigel α Centauri A Ross 154 Ross 156 Ross 206 Sadr Sargas Shaomin Sharjah σ Orionis Sirius B Struve 2398 B Suhail Teegarden's Star Tevel Thabit θ Circini θ Hydrae Tureis U Sagittarii Unurgunite UV Ceti V509 Cassiopeiae V1099 Orionis van Maanen's Star Wezen Wolf 359 Wolf 498 WX Ursae Majoris x Carinae ζ Arae
Hertzprung-Russell diagram plotting the temperature and luminosity of Saiph (marked by the red circle) relative to other stars.