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Lambda Hydrae

41 Hydrae

Proper NameNone
Bayer DesignationLambda Hydrae
Flamsteed Number41 Hydrae
HR (BSC)3994
Right Ascension10h 10m 35s
Declination-12° 21' 15"
Distance109 light years
33 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +3.60
Absolute: +0.99
Spectral ClassK0IIICN0.5 orange giant
Optimum VisibilityMarch

The object seen here to the southwest of Lambda Hydrae is the tightly-wound barred spiral galaxy NGC 3145. The galaxy lies almost the same line of sight as Lambda Hydrae, separated from the star by just eight arcseconds in the sky, but in reality lies an estimated two hundred million light years beyond the Milky Way. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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