A blue main sequence star with an unusual spectrum, Achernar has a magnitude of +0.54, making it the brightest of the stars of Eridanus, and the ninth brightest in the entire sky.
Bright Achernar lies at the extreme southern tip of the star-river Eridanus, less than a degree from its southernmost border with neighbouring Hydrus.
Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas
6 Cassiopeiae 41 Draconis 47 Cygni 75 Cygni a Velorum AU Microscopii AX Microscopii b Velorum Chaophraya DH Tauri e Aquilae Gakyid Gliese 440 Gliese 687 Gnomon Guahayona HD 37131 HR 6842 IL Aquarii k Hydrae KELT-20 Kepler-102 Kepler-444 KR Muscae La Superba Mazaalai Mekbuda ο1 Cygni Petra π Cephei Pincoya Polis s Velorum A Tengshe TWA 5 w Carinae Xi Boötis B y Carinae ZZ Ceti 15 Orionis 52 Orionis Acubens Adhafera Alchiba Alfirk Alkaphrah Alnilam Antares Arneb Atria Avior Azmidi Berehynia Betelgeuse BF Orionis Capella Cerberus χ Centauri χ Cygni d Lupi δ Muscae Deneb Diya EE Leonis ε Indi Garnet Star η Carinae f Velorum FL Virginis γ Pavonis Gliese 205 Gliese 887 Groombridge 1618 Hatysa HD 37130 Hind's Crimson Star HO Librae HR 1911 ι Leonis B ι1 Scorpii Kapteyn's Star Koeia Kruger 60 A DO Cephei Maru Mebsuta Mira Mirfak Mu Aquilae Naos Nashira ν2 Canis Majoris ν Cephei ν Persei ο Capricorni B Orkaria Polaris Proxima Centauri Ran ρ Cassiopeiae ρ Cygni Rigel α Centauri A Ross 154 Ross 156 Ross 206 Sadr Sargas Shaomin Sharjah σ Orionis Sirius B Struve 2398 B Suhail Teegarden's Star Tevel Thabit θ Circini θ Hydrae Tureis U Sagittarii Unurgunite UV Ceti V509 Cassiopeiae V1099 Orionis van Maanen's Star Wezen Wolf 359 Wolf 498 WX Ursae Majoris x Carinae ζ Arae
Hertzprung-Russell diagram plotting the temperature and luminosity of Achernar (marked by the red circle) relative to other stars.