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Proper NameNone
Bayer DesignationNone
Flamsteed Number109 Virginis
HR (BSC)5511
Right Ascension14h 46m 15s
Declination+1° 53' 34"
Distance134 light years
41 parsecs
MagnitudeApparent: +3.73
Absolute: +0.66
Spectral ClassA0V white main sequence star
Optimum VisibilityMay
NotesA young and hot white star, 109 Virginis has some 2.6 times the mass and diameter of the Sun. It has an unusually rapid rate of rotation on its axis, causing its equatorial regions to bulge outward, and giving the star the shape of an oblate, somewhat 'flattened' spheroid.

Twenty arcminutes to the west of 109 Virginis is the distinctive shape of an edge-on spiral galaxy. This is NGC 5746, sometimes called the 'Mini Sombrero' because of its resemblance to the true Sombrero Galaxy (which also in Virgo, somewhat farther to the west). Perhaps confusingly, the galaxy C43 in Pegasus is also known as the 'Little Sombrero' for similar reasons. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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