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Collinder 299

Harvard 10

Proper NameNone
Messier NumberNone
NGC/IC NumberNone
Other DesignationsCollinder 299, Harvard 10
Right Ascension16h 19m 26s
Declination-54° 57' 25"
Distancec.2,300 light years
c.700 parsecs
(somewhat uncertain)
MagnitudeApparent: +6.90
Absolute: -2.37
DiameterApparent: 29'
Actual: c. 20 light years
Optimum VisibilityJune (Usually visible from southern latitudes)

The clustered stars of Collinder 299 are difficult to distinguish against the band of the Milky Way, which is densely starred in this part of Norma. The prominent star near the southern edge of this image is the orange giant HR 6073, which is a foreground star unrelated to the open cluster beyond. Imagery provided by Aladin sky atlas


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